Friday 16 January 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Marriage

This is it. The big weekend. This is the weekend we are going to set a definite date for our wedding.

He popped the question last summer, much to my and everyone else's surprise. After all, we didn't even live together at the time. But he did it all the same, in the middle of a road, and here we are, 6 months later, busy planning our big day.

We have almost decided on a venue, almost decided on how many guests we will have, and we will make our final decision by Sunday.

Now, we're not exactly poor, but we haven't got a lot of cash either. We both made a vow to save as much as we can afford, but it will still not be half as much as the average big wedding is in the UK these days. So much as we both like a reasonably comfortable life, we won't be able to outsource everything. Which means, really, cutting back. Then again, we don't want it to feel cheap. So the only option I see is applying some serious craft to make as much as possible myself. He won't join in, but we have clearly divided roles in this and he lets me do whatever floats my boat. It is lovely, being supported.

To get a few things clear: I work. Sometimes, full-time, sometimes part-time (I am a temp at present), but there are times when I feel so snowed under by everything there is to do that I am considering tearing myself into quarters, if only so that a part of me can sleep! So, little time, little money.

I have some experience crafting around. I make cards, though by far not as well as shown in any Hobbycraft magazine. I draw quite well and I paint occasionally. I bake. I sew - sort of, by hand. I have been given a sewing machine by the future mother-in-law, but it's scaring me and I haven't touched it yet.

However, the objective is to learn everything there is to learn in the next few months and make at least the following things:
  • invitations
  • some food (maybe the cake?)
  • my wedding dress
  • my jewellery
  • bridesmaids accessories
Reading my blog will mean accompanying me on this scary trip through sewing patterns and craft shops. I have little idea where to start, but I trust that everything will turn out fine :-)

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