Sunday 8 February 2015


The rest of my day on Thursday was spent attempting to make the veil for the big day. After all, how hard can it be? It's only a rectangular shape with rounded ends.

Well, turns out, the material plays a massive role in how well these things go.

I used some of the organza mistakenly purchased to make a layered underskirt to make a light, flowing veil.

First of all, organza creases big time. Most of my materials spend a lot of their time sitting in a drawer or a plastic bag in my wardrobe to hide from the eyes of my partner. Taking the organza out and flattening it was a maddening experience, but the steel rulers I will attempt to use in my corset have helped keep the majority flat(ish).

After prepping the material with Fraystopper (did my homework there) I cut the rough shape of the veil. Then cut it again as it was still out of shape. And then some more to make sure it looks as straight as possible.

So then I had a rectangle and decided this was a good time to start sewing the translucent-white ribbon on to smooth out the edges. Folding said ribbon was the next big issue. Boy, that stuff is stubborn and will attempt to straighten out rather than being folded in half lengthwise every chance it gets. I got a load of pins and, after much colourful language-exploration mastered the seemingly impossible.

Then I started sewing. The easy part, right? Only I used the string pictured above in an attempt to be clever - if you can't see the thread it doesn't matter if the technique isn't perfect and I didn't think white string would have worked well anyway. Big mistake. Not on the look - I did get that right - but the string curls like pigtails and WILL knot. Thankfully, the nylon makes it easy to de-knot, unless pulled too hard.

After an hour of sewing it was time to pack away. I didn't get as much done as I hoped I would - it takes more time and patience to sew with these materials - but I get a day off on Friday to carry on.

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