Thursday 5 February 2015

Home alone at last!

As I am sitting here, munching on last night's pizza for a late breakfast, waiting for the shops to open, so I can go about my business today, I am musing on the next steps for the dress.

See, I get panicky at times over the thought of not completing it on time.

I really am not idling away my time. I've been up since half 5, even on my day off, to make breakfast and lunches for my future hubby and my daughter, sent them off on their way around 7 and spent the time until now - a quarter past 9 on my weekly or fortnightly de-zombification - you know, the stuff women feel compelled to do: making sure my hair is the appropriate shade of purple again rather than showing the brown roots for yet another week, jumping in the shower afterwards, getting dried, only to realise I'd forgotten to shave and jumping back in, then sorting the laundry and throwing the reds in the machine (yes, I am a saddo who sorts her washing by colour - we generate enough as a family of 3 to justify 4 weekly washes of different colours).

I still have to sort the house out, ready for yet another visit of in-laws (did I mention his family is HUGE? And what's more - they all still talk to each other, unlike my tiny bunch, who generally don't. Maybe, though, that is why my family is so small to start with...), throw the whites in the wash, get my daughter's shoes exchanged (where is that blooming receipt gone?!?) and, realising yesterday we still hadn't done so and a few frantic phone calls later, handing in the signed T&Cs to our reception venue.

Back to the dress, the sewing machine is coming out today. I have plenty of organza - mistaking it for tulle - silly me! - to make my underskirt and the garden wire to go with it. I am a woman who owns a toolbox - no doubt I'll be able to find shaping tools and a wire cutter. I definitely have some duct tape to ensure the ends of the wire won't poke.

Do you know what I worry about? Sitting down with a wired underskirt. I mean, either it will deform - in which case, why bother, or the dress will poke up. So is the solution to only wire the bottom bit, or at least everything underneath the knee?

I will also practise embroidery - I have bought this awesome book from Hobbycraft, which may actually teach me all the bits I need in order to embroider my dress and shrug once completed.

Oh, and more cards need to be made. The first ones have been sent off abroad on Monday.

Better get started!

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