Monday 20 July 2015

Top Tips for Corset Making

What have I learned so far?

1. Duct Tape makes for fitted corsets.
Money-saving and perfectly fitted to your body, wrapping yourself up in duct tape can be the perfect start when you, like me, can't read patterns and need to decide where bones would have to go to tuck all the right bits away. Let's face it, any pattern you buy will never suit you 100%.

2. Cable ties make cheap, strong, flexible boning.
Just that, really. You can easily cut them to size with normal kitchen scissors, file them down and you have all you need to start your own corset.

3. Unless you know your stuff, make a 'skeleton corset'.
I used lining fabric to fit all the corset panels together and attach the bones. It is stiff enough to make a small difference to your shape already, but flexible enough to be able to wrap the bones into the fabric and attach them securely.

4. Buy pins. LOTS of pins.
I don't know how I would have got this far without two pin wheels. Pins have helped me trace where I needed to sew, hold everything in place, adjust panels and fabric and shape my cups.

5. The Look of the Inner doesn't matter.
I am telling myself this one. It's okay if the inner isn't perfect, because, let's face it, no one will ever see it. You cover both ends up with fabric, which will smooth out any little lumps and wonky sewing, as long as you can hide the stitches. The purpose if the inner is to hold everything in place, not to look good. So, if you are making your first ever corset and you are a relative beginner, don't panic.

6. Wear protection.
On your fingers, that is. Despite owning and using a thimble, I wish I had more, as my fingers are well and truly stinging from all the little needle pricks.

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